Не могу не запостить *плакает*
ПереводIT: Je je je hello
OS: I'm here as well
IT: I'm with Oguri Shun-kun right now... We are here to take a bath... Now... filming for the drama just finished and we were thinking about taking a bath would be great.
OS: Let's do it... let's go in
Some1 in Studio: Is it okay to show this?
OS: With this step... we'll be seen as naked lovers
IT: What the hell are you talking about? Its really cruel... recently he's been like this all the time
IT: Nya!!!
IT: It's Merenge, Merenge... Hisamoto-san, Takahata-san and Matsuura Aya-san
OS: (Between coughs) I... appeared.. there once too
IT: Almost got it
OS: Ye almost got it
IT: (laughs) We'll go no
*After the Bath*
IT: It was a refreshment
Some1 in Studio: Filming the bathing is not allowed...
Some1 in Studio: Of course not!
Some1 in studio: Would have been too nice
IT: So... how do you feel right now?
SO: Its. the. best.
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Kinki Kids - Another Christmas Эта песня есть на иоём рождественском сборнике, но если вдруг кто не может или кому лень качать всё, те могут послушать, какая песня сидит у меня в голове вот уже четвёртый день >.<
PS Nodame Contabile такая прелесть *_* я влюблена)) А сколько там актёров родных и знакомых! ^^