учёная этикеточка и велеречивый пустобрех
Being amateurish is what makes SMAP such pros

NHK's "The Professional" profiles, through interviews and situational coverage, people who are notable for their dedication to some craft or business vision. The series grew out of "Project X," the very popular documentary series about Japan's industrial breakthroughs of the past, and is meant to spotlight innovators and creative types who are currently operating.

Last week, the series featured SMAP, which may sound like a joke.

@темы: je: smap, stuff: эти люди прекрасны, stuff: пятиминутка фангерлизма, other: интересности

16.10.2011 в 11:57

Уносите тело!
Idols don't have to be capable, because they represent the hopes and dreams of people who will never be idols.
В самую точку )))

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