учёная этикеточка и велеречивый пустобрех
Я просто положу это здесь :-D

9. If you were to live together with one of the member of v6, who would that be?
Нагано-сан: I never want to live with Okada. I want to live with Sakamoto. I think he can cook for me, and a lot of side dishes too. I feel very happy. I heard he’s a dependable person.
Иноччи: Sakamoto. He’ll probably not be at home. But I think he makes good dishes for me to eat.
Окада: Sakamoto-kun. Since he’ll clean up for you. Even though he’d hate to do that for me.
Кен: Sakamoto-kun! That’s because he’s a good cook. Well, not that I’ve eaten it before..

Сакамото: ... (Sakamoto looks at the other member’s answers. Sakamoto is very popular.) cooking, cleaning…they want me as a home help!

(с) bunny-bear@tumblr

@темы: je: v6, v6: member-ai, other: цитаты

20.04.2012 в 22:30

это так прекрасноооо))) работай на нас, папа-сан))))!!!
21.04.2012 в 11:55

XD Маса в фартучке, дивно XD
21.04.2012 в 12:01

учёная этикеточка и велеречивый пустобрех
Avonlea, ни стыда, ни совести)))
Takamina, ясно представляется эта картина :D

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